Graphs - Neural Networks

Summary of GNN lectures

Graph Neural Networks#

Limitations of Shallow embedding methods#

Embedding matrix Z\bf Z, It’s shape. (dim. of embds, # nodes)

  • O(Vd)O(|V|d) parameters are needed:
    • No sharing of parameters between nodes
    • Every node has its own unique embedding
  • Inherently “transductive”:
    • Cannot generate embeddings for nodes that are not seen during training
  • Do not incorporate node features:
    • Nodes in many graphs have features that we can and should leverage


ENC\text{ENC}: multiple layers of non-linear transformations based on graph structure

Tasks we will be able to solve:

  • Node classification: Predict the type of a given node
  • Link prediction: Predict whether two nodes are linked
  • Community detection: Identify densely linked clusters of nodes
  • Network similarity: How similar are two (sub)networks

Graph networks are more complex than images or text. (Arbitray size, complex topological structure)

Fundamental Func.
ΘΘηΘL\Theta^* \larr \Theta - \eta\nabla_{\Theta}{\cal L}

Adjacency matrix를 linear layer에 그대로 넣게 되면, linear layer의 weight들은 node order에 민감하여, 순서가 변경되면 매우 다른 값을 가지게 된다. 또한 O(V)O(|V|) paramters를 가지게 되고, 고정된 feature dim으로 다른 크기의 graph를 사용할 수 없다.

Graph does not have a canonical order of the nodes!

Graph is permutation invariant

XRV×d{\bf X} \in {\Bbb R}^{|V|\times d} is a matrix of node features.

Permutation Invariant#

Then, if f(Ai,Xi)=f(Aj,Xj)f({\bf A}_i, {\bf X}_i) = f({\bf A}_j, {\bf X}_j) for any order plan ii and jj, we formally say ff is a permutation invariant function.

  • Definition: For any graph function f:RV×m×RV×VRdf: {\Bbb R}^{|V|\times m}\times {\Bbb R}^{|V|\times|V|} \rarr {\Bbb R}^d, ff is permutation-invariant if f(A,X)=f(PAP,PX)f({\bf A},{\bf X}) = f({\bf PAP^\top}, {\bf PX}) for any permutation P\bf P.
  • Permute the input, the output stays the same. (map a graph to a vector)
  • e.g. ff: sum, average, pooling

Permutation Equivariance#

If the output vector of a node at the same position in the graph remains unchanged for any order plan, we say ff is permutation equivariant.

  • Definition: For any node function f:RV×m×RV×VRV×mf: {\Bbb R}^{|V|\times m}\times {\Bbb R}^{|V|\times|V|} \rarr {\Bbb R}^{|V|\times m}, ff is permutation-equivariant if Pf(A,X)=f(PAP,PX){\bf P}f({\bf A},{\bf X}) = f({\bf PAP^\top}, {\bf PX}) for any permutation P\bf P.
  • Permute the input, output also permutes accordingly. (map a graph to a matrix)
  • e.g. ff: RNN, Self-attention


  1. f(A,X)=1Xf({\bf A},{\bf X}) = {\bf 1^\top X}: Permutation-invariant
    f(PAP,PX)=1PX=1X=f(A,X)\rarr f({\bf PAP^\top}, {\bf PX}) = {\bf 1^\top PX} = {\bf 1^\top X} = f({\bf A}, {\bf X})
  2. f(A,X)=Xf({\bf A},{\bf X}) = {\bf X}: Permutation-equivariant
    f(PAP,PX)=PX=Pf(A,X)\rarr f({\bf PAP^\top}, {\bf PX}) = {\bf PX} = {\bf P}f({\bf A}, {\bf X})
  3. f(A,X)=AXf({\bf A},{\bf X}) = {\bf AX}: Permutation-equivariant
    f(PAP,PX)=PAPPX=PAX=Pf(A,X)\rarr f({\bf PAP^\top}, {\bf PX}) = {\bf PAP^\top PX} = {\bf PAX} = {\bf P}f({\bf A}, {\bf X})

Graph Convolutional Networks#

Idea: Node’s neighborhood defines a computation graph

cs224w - lecture 4. slide

Intuition: Nodes aggregate information from their neighbors using neural networks

Model can be of arbitrary depth.

Neighborhood Aggregation#

Neighborhood aggregation: Key distinctions are in how different approaches aggregate information across the layers

Basic approach.

hv0=xvhv(k+1)=σ(WkuN(v)hu(k)N(v)+Bkhv(k)), k{0, , K1}zv=hv(K)\begin{aligned}
&{\rm h}_v^0={\rm x}_v\\
&{\rm h}_v^{(k+1)}=\sigma\left({\rm W}_k\sum_{u\in{\rm N}(v)}\frac{{\rm h}_u^{(k)}}{|{\rm N}(v)|}+{\rm B}_k{\rm h}_v^{(k)}\right),\ \forall k\in\{0,\ \dots,\ {\small K-1}\}\\
&{\rm z}_v={\rm h}_v^{(K)}

hv0{\rm h}_v^0: Initial 0th layer embeddings are equal to node features.
σ\sigma: Non-linearity activation function.
uN(v)hu(k)N(v)\sum_{u\in{\rm N}(v)}\frac{{\rm h}_u^{(k)}}{|{\rm N}(v)|}: Average of neighbor’s previous layer embeddings.
hv(k){\rm h}_v^{(k)}: Embedding of vv at layer kk
zv{\rm z}_v: Embedding after K layers of neighborhood aggregation
Wk{\rm W}_k: weight matrix for neighborhood aggregation
Bk{\rm B}_k: weight matrix for transforming hidden vector of self

GCN: Invariance and Equivariance#

Given a node, the GCN that computes its embedding is permutation invariant.

Average of neighbor’s previous layer embeddings - Permutation invariant.
(Average 때문 순서 상관 없다)

Considering all nodes in a graph, GCN computation is permutation equivariant.

cs224w - lecture 4. slide
  • Let H(k)=[h1(k), , hV(k)]{\rm H}^{(k)} = [h_1^{(k)},\ \dots,\ h_{|V|}^{(k)}]^\top, then uNvhu(k)=AvH(k)\sum_{u\in N_v} h_u^{(k)}={\rm A}_v{\rm H^{(k)}}
  • Diagonal matrix D{\rm D}
    • Dv,v=deg(v)=N(v), Dv,v1=1N(v){\rm D}_{v,v} = \deg(v)= |N(v)|,\ {\rm D}_{v,v}^{-1} = \frac{1}{|N(v)|}
  • Therefore, uN(v)hu(k)N(v)\sum_{u\in N(v)}\frac{{\rm h}_u^{(k)}}{|N(v)|} is H(k+1)=D1AH(k){\rm H}^{(k+1)} = {\rm D^{-1}AH}^{(k)}.
H(k+1)=σ(A~H(k)Wk+H(k)Bk){\rm H}^{(k+1)}=\sigma\left({\rm \tilde{A}}{\rm H}^{(k)}{\rm W}_k^\top + {\rm H}^{(k)}{\rm B}_k^\top \right)

A~=D1A\rm \tilde{A} = D^{-1}A

How to Train a GNN#

Supervised setting#

Node label available

L=vVCE(yv,σ(zvθ)){\cal L}=\sum_{v\in V}\text{CE}(y_{v},\sigma({\rm z}_v^\top\theta))

zv{\rm z}_v^\top: Encoder output
yvy_v: Node class label
θ\theta: Classification weights

Unsupervised setting#

No node label available

Use the graph structure as the supervision!

L=zu,zvCE(yu,v,DEC(zu,zv)){\cal L}=\sum_{z_u, z_v}\text{CE}(y_{u,v},\text{DEC}(z_u,z_v))

“Similar” nodes have similar embeddings

DEC\text{DEC} is the decoder such as inner product.

Model Process#

  1. Define a neighborhood aggregation
  2. Define a loss function on the embeddings
  3. Train on a set of nodes, i.e., a batch of compute graphs
  4. Generate embeddings for nodes as needed (Only compute the relevant nodes in the batch.)

Inductive Capability: New Nodes and New Graphs#

The same aggregation parameters are shared for all nodes:

  • The number of model parameters is sublinear in V|V| and we can generalize to unseen nodes!

Inductive node embedding –> Generalize to entirely unseen graphs

A General Perspective on GNN#

A General GNN Framework#

cs224w - lecture 5. slide
  1. Message
  2. Aggregation
  3. Layer connectivity
  4. Graph augmentation
    Idea: Raw input graph \neq Computational graph
    • Graph feature augmentation
    • Graph structure augmentation
  5. Learning objective

A Single Layer of a GNN#

Idea of a GNN Layer: Compress a set of vectors into a single vector


Message function: Each node will create a message, which will be sent to other nodes later.

mu(l)=MSG(l)(hu(l1)){\rm m}_u^{(l)} = \text{\small MSG}^{(l)}({\rm h}_u^{(l

If message function(MSG\text{MSG}) is a linear layer, mu(l)=W(l)hu(l1){\rm m}_u^{(l)} = {\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}


Intuition: Each node will aggregate the messages from node vv’s neighbors

hu(l)=AGG(l)({mu(l),uN(v)}){\rm h}_u^{(l)} = \text{\small AGG}^{(l)}(\{{\rm m}_u^{(l)},u\in N(v)\})

Possible aggregation functions, sum(), mean(), max()\text{sum}(\cdot),\ \text{mean}(\cdot),\ \text{max}(\cdot)

Issue: Information from node vv itself could get lost

  • message 내에 포함된 정보는 자신을 제외한 vv 이웃 노드들의 정보만 가지고 있기 때문이다.


  1. Compute message from node vv itself.
    mv(l)=B(l)hv(l1){\rm m}_v^{(l)} = {\rm B}^{(l)}{\rm h}_v^{(l-1)}
  2. hv(l)=CONCAT(AGG(l)({mu(l),uN(v)}),mv(l)){\rm h}_v^{(l)} = \text{\small CONCAT}(\text{\small AGG}^{(l)}(\{{\rm m}_u^{(l)},u\in N(v)\}), {\rm m}_v^{(l)})


  1. Message: mu(l)=MSG(l)(hu(l1)),u{N(v)v}{\rm m}_u^{(l)} = \text{\small MSG}^{(l)}({\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}), u \in \{N(v)\cup v\}
  2. Aggregation: hv(l)=AGG(l)({mu(l),uN(v)},mv(l)){\rm h}_v^{(l)} = \text{\small AGG}^{(l)}(\{{\rm m}_u^{(l)},u\in N(v)\}, {\rm m}_v^{(l)})

Classical GNN Layers#

Recap: a single GNN layer

Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN)#

hv(l)=σ(W(l)uN(v)hu(l1)N(v)){\rm h}_v^{(l)}=\sigma\left({\rm W}^{(l)}\sum_{u\in{\rm N}(v)}\frac{{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}}{|{\rm N}(v)|}\right)
  1. mu(l)=1N(v)W(l)hu(l1){\rm m}_u^{(l)} = \frac{1}{|N(v)|}{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}
  2. hv(l)=σ(sum({mu(l),uN(v)})){\rm h}_v^{(l)} = \sigma(\text{sum}(\{{\rm m}_u^{(l)},u\in N(v)\}))


hv(l)=σ(W(l)CONCAT(AGG({hu(l1),uN(v)}),hv(l1))){\rm h}_v^{(l)} = \sigma\left({\rm W}^{(l)}\cdot\text{\small CONCAT}\left(\text{\small AGG}(\{{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)},\forall u\in N(v)\}), {\rm h}_v^{(l-1)}\right)\right)
  1. Message is computed within the AGG()\text{AGG}(\cdot)
  2. Two-stage aggregation
    1. hN(v)(l)AGG({hu(l1),uN(v)}){\rm h}_{N(v)}^{(l)}\larr \text{\small AGG}(\{{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)},\forall u\in N(v)\})
    2. hv(l)σ(W(l)CONCAT(hN(v)(l),hv(l1))){\rm h}_{v}^{(l)}\larr \sigma\left({\rm W}^{(l)}\cdot\text{\small CONCAT}\left({\rm h}_{N(v)}^{(l)}, {\rm h}_v^{(l-1)}\right)\right)

Neighbor aggregation methods#

  1. Mean: Take a weighted average of neighbors
    AGG=uN(v)hu(l1)N(v)\text{\small AGG} = \sum_{u\in{\rm N}(v)}\frac{{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}}{|{\rm N}(v)|}
  2. Pool: Transform neighbor vectors and apply symmetric vector function mean()\text{mean}(\cdot) or max()\text{max}(\cdot)
    AGG=mean({MLP(hu(l1)),uN(v)})\text{\small AGG} = \text{\small mean}(\{\text{\small MLP}({\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}),\forall u\in N(v)\})
  3. LSTM: Apply LSTM to reshuffled of neighbors
    AGG=LSTM([hu(l1),uπ(N(v))])\text{\small AGG} = \text{\small LSTM}([{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)},\forall u\in \pi(N(v))])

2{\ell}_2 Normalization#

hv(l)hv(l)hv(l)2,vV{\rm h}_v^{(l)} \larr \frac{{\rm h}_v^{(l)}}{{\|{\rm h}_v^{(l)}\|}_2}, \forall v\in V where u2=iui2{\|u\|}_2 = \sqrt{\sum_i u_i^2}

Graph Attention Networks#

hv(l)=σ(uN(v)αvuW(l)hu(l1)){\rm h}_v^{(l)} = \sigma\left(\sum_{u\in N(v)}\alpha_{vu}{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}\right)

In GCN and GraphSAGE:

  • αvu=1N(v)\alpha_{vu} = \frac{1}{|N(v)|} is weighting factor (importance) of node uu’s message to node vv.
  • αvu\alpha_{vu} is defined explicitly based on the structural properties of the graph (node degree).
  • All neighbors uN(v)u \in N(v) are equally important to node vv.

Goal: Specify arbitrary importance to different neighbors of each node in the graph

Idea: Compute embedding hv(l){\rm h}_v^{(l)} of each node in the graph following an attention strategy:

  • Nodes attend over their neighborhoods’ message
  • Implicitly specifying different weights to different nodes in a neighborhood

Attention Mechanism#

Let αvu\alpha_{vu} be computed as a byproduct of an attention mechanism aa:

  1. Let aa compute attention coefficients evue_{vu} across pairs of nodes uu, vv based on their messages:

    evu=a(W(l)hu(l1),W(l)hv(l1)) e_{vu} = a({\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)},{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_v^{(l-1)})
  2. Normalize with softmax

    αvu=exp(evu)kN(v)exp(evk) \alpha_{vu} = \frac{\exp(e_{vu})}{\sum_{k\in N(v)}\exp(e_{vk})}
  3. Weighted sum based on the final attention weight αvu\alpha_{vu}

    cs224w - lecture 5. slide
    hA(l)=σ(αABW(l)hB(l1)+αACW(l)hC(l1)+αADW(l)hD(l1)) \begin{aligned}
     {\rm h}_A^{(l)} = \sigma(
     &\alpha_{\text{AB}}{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_\text{B}^{(l-1)}\\
     &+\alpha_{\text{AC}}{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_\text{C}^{(l-1)}\\
     &+\alpha_{\text{AD}}{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_\text{D}^{(l-1)})

What is the form of attention mechanism aa?

The approach is agnostic to the choice of aa

  • Simple example
    cs224w - lecture 5. slide

Multi-head attention#

Stabilizes the learning process of attention mechanism
(하나의 head로만은 bias 되기 쉽다.)

  1. hv(l)[1]=σ(uN(v)αvu1W(l)hu(l1)){\rm h}_v^{(l)}[1] = \sigma\left(\sum_{u\in N(v)}\alpha_{vu}^1{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}\right)
    hv(l)[2]=σ(uN(v)αvu2W(l)hu(l1)){\rm h}_v^{(l)}[2] = \sigma\left(\sum_{u\in N(v)}\alpha_{vu}^2{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}\right)
    hv(l)[3]=σ(uN(v)αvu3W(l)hu(l1)){\rm h}_v^{(l)}[3] = \sigma\left(\sum_{u\in N(v)}\alpha_{vu}^3{\rm W}^{(l)}{\rm h}_u^{(l-1)}\right)

  2. hv(l)=AGG(hv(l)[1],hv(l)[2],hv(l)[3]){\rm h}_v^{(l)} = \text{\small AGG}({\rm h}_v^{(l)}[1],{\rm h}_v^{(l)}[2],{\rm h}_v^{(l)}[3])

Key benefit: Allows for (implicitly) specifying different importance values (αvu\alpha_{vu}) to different neighbors

  • Computationally efficient:
    • Computation of attentional coefficients can be parallelized across all edges of the graph
    • Aggregation may be parallelized across all nodes
  • Storage efficient:
    • Sparse matrix operations do not require more than O(V+E)O(V+E) entries to be stored
    • Fixed number of parameters, irrespective of graph size
  • Localized:
    • Only attends over local network neighborhoods
  • Inductive capability:
    • It is a shared edge-wise mechanism
    • It does not depend on the global graph structure

Batch Normalization#

  1. μj=1Ni=1NXi,j, σj2=1Ni=1N(Xi,jμj)2\mu_j = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N{\rm X}_{i,j},\ \sigma_j^2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N{({\rm X}_{i,j}-\mu_j)}^2

  2. X^i,j=Xi,jμjσj2+ϵ, Yi,j=γjX^i,j+βj{\rm \widehat{X}}_{i,j}=\frac{{\rm X}_{i,j}-\mu_j}{\sqrt{\sigma_j^2+\epsilon}},\ {\rm Y}_{i,j}= \gamma_j {\rm \widehat{X}}_{i,j} + {\beta}_j
    γ,β\gamma, \beta: Trainable Parameters

Stacking Layers of a GNN#

How to construct a Graph Neural Network?

  • The standard way: Stack GNN layers sequentially

The Issue of stacking many GNN layers

  • GNN suffers from the over-smoothing problem

  • The over-smoothing problem: all the node embeddings converge to the same value

    • This is bad because we want to use node embeddings to differentiate nodes
    • If two nodes have highly-overlapped receptive fields, then their embeddings are highly similar
    cs224w - lecture 5. slide

What do we learn from the over-smoothing problem?

  • Be cautious when adding GNN layers
    • Step 1: Analyze the necessary receptive field to solve your problem.
    • Step 2: Set number of GNN layers LL to be a bit more than the receptive field we like. Do not set LL to be unnecessarily large!

How to enhance the expressive power of a GNN, if the number of GNN layers is small?

  • We can make aggregation / transformation become a deep neural network!
  • Add layers that do not pass messages (A GNN does not necessarily only contain GNN layers)
    • Pre-processing layers: Important when encoding node features is necessary.
      E.g., when nodes represent images/text
    • Post-processing layers: Important when reasoning / transformation over node embeddings are needed
      E.g., graph classification, knowledge graphs

What if my problem still requires many GNN layers?

  • Add skip connections in GNNs
    • Keys: Node embeddings in earlier GNN layers can sometimes better differentiate nodes

    • Solution: We can increase the impact of earlier layers on the final node embeddings, by adding shortcuts in GNN

    • F(x)+xF(\rm x) + x

    • Skip connections create a mixture of models. (NN skip connections → 2N2^N possible paths)

    • We automatically get a mixture of shallow GNNs and deep GNNs

    • Other options: Directly skip to the last layer

Why need to manipulate graphs?

  • Our assumption so far has been: Raw input graph = Computational graph

Reasons for breaking this assumption.

  • Feature level:
    • The input graph lacks features \rarr feature augmentation
    • Certain structures are hard to learn by GNN (ex. cycle)
  • Structure level:
    • The graph is too sparse (Inefficient message passing)
      \rarr Add virtual nodes / edges
      • Suppose in a sparse graph, two nodes have shortest path distance of 10.
      • After adding the virtual node, all the nodes will have a distance of 2
        (Node A – Virtual node – Node B)
        \rarr Greatly improves message passing in sparse graphs
    • The graph is too dense (Message passing is too costly)
      \rarr Sample neighbors when doing message passing
    • The graph is too large (Cannot fit the computational graph into a GPU)
      \rarr Sample subgraphs to compute embeddings