

  • PN, IPS, VA


OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode)


Light emission in OLEDs occurs through a process called electroluminescence. Here’s how it works:

  1. Two conductive layers are used as the cathode and anode. The cathode is typically made of a metal such as aluminum or calcium and the anode is made of a transparent material such as indium tin oxide (ITO).
  2. A thin layer of organic material is placed between the cathode and anode. This organic material is made up of small molecules or polymers that emit light when excited by an electric current.
  3. When a voltage is applied to the OLED, electrons flow from the cathode to the anode, passing through the organic material in the process.
  4. As the electrons move through the organic material, they collide with holes (absence of electrons) and excite the organic molecules. This excitation causes the organic molecules to emit light through fluorescence or phosphorescence.
  5. The color of the emitted light depends on the specific type of organic material used. Different materials can be combined to create OLEDs that emit different colors.
  6. The emitted light then passes through the anode and can be seen by the user. This light emission is controlled by the current applied to the OLED, allowing for precise control over the display of images.

Light emission in organic molecules in OLEDs occurs through a process called fluorescence or phosphorescence. Here’s how it works:

  1. Electrons are excited by the electric current applied to the OLED, causing them to move to higher energy levels.
  2. It becomes unstable and returns to its ground state, releasing the excess energy in the form of light.
  3. In fluorescence, the excited electrons return to the ground state quickly, emitting light almost instantly. Fluorescent OLEDs emit light with short lifetimes and are typically used in high-speed displays.
  4. In phosphorescence, the excited electrons have a longer lifetime and return to the ground state more slowly. This slow return allows for a higher efficiency of light emission and longer lifetimes of the emitted light. Phosphorescent OLEDs are typically used in low-power displays, such as those in smartwatches or mobile phones.
  5. The color of the light emitted by the organic molecules.

In phosphorescent OLEDs, the light emitted is more efficiently utilized, as the light can travel further before being absorbed.

In summary, W-OLEDs are typically used for their bright and even white light, while QD-OLEDs are used for their improved color accuracy and reduced power consumption.


W-OLEDs are OLED displays that use a white light-emitting material as the backlight source. This allows the display to produce a bright and even white light, which can be filtered to produce different colors. W-OLEDs are commonly used in television displays, as they offer high brightness and color saturation.


QD-OLEDs, on the other hand, use quantum dots as the light-emitting material. Quantum dots are tiny semiconductor particles that emit light when excited by an electric current. QD-OLEDs have several advantages over traditional OLED displays, including higher color gamut, improved brightness, and reduced power consumption.


MicroLED is a type of display technology that uses tiny light-emitting diodes, each less than 100 micrometers in size, to create high-resolution images.

In a microLED display, each microLED acts as an individual pixel, allowing for a high degree of control over the intensity and color of each pixel.

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